Eight Months

For their first St. Patrick’s day, the girls got to wear authentic Irish sweaters, complements of our sweet friends living in Ireland.

The girls like to look at each other now.  While in the kitchen I overheard laughter coming from their play pen.  I peeked around to see them sitting, looking at each other and cooing and giggling.


Leila got her first two tooth this month.  It was a bit stressful for all of us and we were all so happy when they finally broke through!  There was one particularly sleepless (screaming) night with a late night Tylenol/Orajel run.  DSC01660

Once she was done teething she was such a happy little thing with tons of smiles all day long.  It was such a nice change.DSC01661

She gets a huge kick out of us making funny voices and faces.DSC01666

She loves books – she pulls them out all on her own and drops everything when I start reading one.  She also loves sitting in the bath.  She will literally lounge in the tub, while Blake splashes about until she is done and tries to climb out.DSC01672

She’s a bit of a momma’s girl.  She will crawl to me and right into my lap.  She’s happiest when she’s playing while draped across my lap or legs.  DSC01675


Blakey Girl giggles when she’s tickled but basically looks at you like you’re crazy if you make funny voices or faces at her.


She has started to reach out for us and lift her arms up to be held.  It’s so sweet!DSC01642

She went through a stage of throwing her head (and upper body) backwards to see something happening behind her.


While her sister is going after books, Blake is busy going through all of the toys, chewing, throwing, hitting them.  She does enjoy bath time (until she’s done and climbing out) and chases toys around her little seat.  She’s even pulled herself over the edge of her basket to reach for toys in Leila’s area.  Which lounging Leila is only too happy to let her take.DSC01655

Blake has liked blowing raspberries for awhile, but will now mimic us if we blow one at her.  DSC01657

They are so fun and I can’t believe how big they are getting.

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